Complere Infosystem

Cloud Computing

Grow your team and expand your software development capabilities with a reliable tech partner by your side.
Image of Cloud Computing

Our Cloud Computing Services

Complere Infosystem provides the opportunities it presents—enhanced decision-making capabilities, improved customer experiences, and the ability to innovate more rapidly—make it a worthwhile endeavor for any data-driven organization.
We have over 200 data experts onboard and over 30 data projects in our portfolio.

Software as a Service (SaaS):

SaaS delivers applications over the internet. Instead of installing and maintaining software locally, users access it via the web browser. Examples include Salesforce, Microsoft Office 365, and Dropbox.


Platform as a Service (PaaS):

PaaS provides a development and deployment environment for building cloud applications. It includes tools, libraries, and services for developers. Examples include Google App Engine and Microsoft Azure.


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

Enhancing conversion rates is a priority. Companies identify bottlenecks in the sales funnel and recommend improvements. Techniques like A/B testing and user flow analysis play a pivotal role.


Serverless Computing (Function as a Service, FaaS

FaaS allows developers to run code without managing servers. It automatically scales based on demand. Examples include AWS Lambda and Azure Functions.

Hybrid Cloud Services

Hybrid cloud combines public and private cloud environments. It allows seamless data and application mobility between on-premises infrastructure and public cloud services.


Functional Testing

Validate that your software functions as intended with our comprehensive functional testing services, which cover all aspects of software functionality.

How can you benefit from E-commerce Analytics?

Cost Optimization

Enhanced Scalability

Improved Performance and Reliability

Streamlined Collaboration and Productivity

Benefits of DevOps

How it Works

01. Virtualization and Abstraction

03. API-Driven Infrastructure

02. Elasticity and Auto-Scaling

04. Geographical Distribution and Redundancy

01. Strategy

During this phase we will explore an existing ecosystem including:

02. Discovery phase

We offer a Discovery Phase as a service to help you validate your idea, choose a tech stack, estimate ROI, and build a feasible prototype.

03. Development

Based on your needs and chosen tech stack, our experts will build a robust data warehouse. Some of the steps will include:

04. Ongoing support

We will help you build a dedicated team for ongoing support of the data warehouse. Overall, the support will cover:

Implementation Approach

Our approach to implementing cloud computing in your business is a well-defined, step-by-step process:


We assess your current infrastructure, applications, and business goals to determine the most suitable cloud strategy.


Our experts design a custom cloud architecture that aligns with your requirements, ensuring scalability and security.


We carefully migrate your data, applications, and services to the cloud, minimizing disruption and risk.


Continuously optimize your cloud environment to ensure cost-efficiency and performance.

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